Unfortunately, a large number of today's fertility patients will leave the clinic where they started treatment. Data shows this number can be as high as more than half of all patients will discontinue treatment at their current clinic. Grain Fertility founder Joe Cody and his wife experienced this first hand, switching clinics over 2 years into their journey.

The reasons for switching clinic can vary from seeking different results after multiple failed rounds, relocating to a new area after moving, or experiencing poor communication with your current clinic. No matter what the reason, switching clinics can be an incredibly hard decision that should not be taken lightly. To help empower patients to make the most informed decision possible, Grain Fertility has created a cheat sheet for switching clinics available to our Premium Members. This article is an excerpt from our resource available exclusively to our Premium Members.
Before Scheduling Second Opinion Appointments
One of the first steps every person should take is ensuring this is the correct course of action and everyone involved in the process (partners, surrogates, intended parents, etc.) are on board. Try to identify what you like and don't like about your current clinic, care team, and process. Finally, it helps to get organized and have your medical history, including previous cycles, available for the other clinic to look at. This process can take time, so we recommend starting this process early.
Note: Grain Fertility's application is designed to help ensure you have access to the most important health and fertility information you need and our Patient Empowerment coaches are happy to help with this process.
Questions to Ask During Second Opinion
You should always go into second opinions with a strategy to help compare your options and this includes putting together some questions and topics to discuss. These can include:
General information about the clinic including their processes, availability, staffing, and any restrictions
Find out more information about how the clinic communicates with their patients, how you can contact their care team if you have any questions, and finally how do they take into consideration patient input and considerations during treatment
Asking about their pricing structure, whether or not components of the care are covered by insurance or other benefits, are there grants or other financial assistance mechanisms available, and if they have flexibility on their pricing
Learn more about their testing process, medication protocols, and treatment plans. Sometimes clinics, specifically reproductive endocrinologists, have a specific based protocol they use and it is helpful to know more about their process and training
Do they offer specific and special considerations for different populations such as single parents by choice, underrepresented or historically marginalized populations such as minorities or LGBTQ+ people
Do they provide additional patient support such as counseling, patient navigation services, or support groups
Choosing a new fertility clinic is a deeply personal decision that requires careful consideration of many factors. By taking the time to research, ask detailed questions, and reflect on your priorities, you can find a clinic that aligns with your needs and increases your chances of success on your fertility journey. This list is by no means exhaustive and our Premium Member cheat sheet has even more to help give you a starting point for making a truly informed decision.
If you want to get access to this and other exclusive resources, you can sign up for Grain Fertility for free and receive a consultation with our Head of Patient Empowerment by going to www.grainfertility.com/signup today.
If you are using the free version of our app and want to take advantage of our Premium Member benefits including custom guides like this and one on one coaching, you can go to your Account to upgrade your service today and begin meeting with our coaches regularly.